Establishing the ecological basis for conservation of shallow marine life using Reef Life Survey (2020)


Establishing the ecological basis for conservation of shallow marine life using Reef Life Survey (2020)

Graham J. Edgara, Antonia Coopera,  Susan C. Bakerc, William Barkerd, Neville S. Barretta,
Mikel A. Becerroe, Amanda E. Batesf, Danny Brockg, Daniela M. Ceccarellih, Ella Clausiusa,
Marlene Davey, Tom R. Davis, Paul B. Dayj, Andrew Greenk, Samuel R. Griffiths,
Jamie Hicksg, Ivan A. Hinojosa, Ben K. Joneso, Stuart Kininmonthp,q, Meryl F. Larkin,
Natali Lazzarie, Jonathan S. Lefcheckt, Scott D. Linga, Peter Mooney, Elizabeth Oha,
Alejandro Perez-Matus, Jacqueline B. Pocklington, Rodrigo Rieram,
Jose A. Sanabria-Fernandez, Yanir Seroussi, Ian Shawx, Derek Shields, Joe Shields,
Margo Smith, German A. Solera, Jemina Stuart-Smitha, John Turnbully,
Rick D. Stuart-Smith.

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